Today is March 16, 2025, and the entire world is facing a Pandemic, the Coronavirus. Governments are restricting travel, closing businesses and schools in an attempt to ameliorate the impact, not overloading the healthcare system with patients, and to save lives.
Along with businesses, Churches are cancelling services in cooperation to the health guidelines to limit gatherings to less than 250, in some places 50, people. These cancellations are understandably upsetting to many people with some claiming it shows a lack of faith in God’s power to heal and save us.
God can and absolutely has performed miracles in the past but it is also true that God has saved people through less supernatural means, the greatest example being how God the Father saved His Son from Herod.
The Slaughter of the Innocents is well documented both in Scripture and in other sources. To save His Son, God could have transported Him, Mary, and Joseph anywhere in the Universe. He could have sent Angels to repel Herod’s forces.
What did God do? He spoke to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary and the Child and flee to Egypt.
Now Joseph had witnessed miraculous events. He knew God was at work, a Choir of Angels singing Hosannas has that effect. He also was a practical, skilled artisan, capable of seeing alternative ways of accomplishing a task.
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No, he arose and fled. He did so out of obedience and prudence.
By doing so he became the savior of the Savior!
We need to be like Joseph. Our political leaders in conjunction with medical experts are trying to minimize the damage that Covid 19 will do. Whether the response is over the top or not is a difficult call as the situation changes almost hourly. I believe the most prudent action is to comply with the directives to limit person to person exposure both for our individual safety and the safety of others. Many of our Priests and Deacons are over 60 and in the high risk group.
Watch Mass on TV. Make a Spiritual Communion. Help your neighbor while maintaining safety for them and you.
Obey the recommendation of the Bishop as Joseph obeyed God.
Don’t demand a supernatural cure when a natural one is available.
God Bless and Take Care!